A Majority Group’s Perspective-taking Towards a Minority Group: Its Antecedents and Impact on Support for Minority Helping

Mashuri, Ali and Zaduqisti, Esti (2017) A Majority Group’s Perspective-taking Towards a Minority Group: Its Antecedents and Impact on Support for Minority Helping. Psychology and Developing Societies, 29 (1). pp. 44-73. ISSN 0973-0761

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This research investigates the impact of perspective-taking on a majority group’s support for government action to help a minority group. Data among a sample of Indonesian Muslims (N = 380), representing a religious majority group in Indonesia, showed that perspective-taking was a strong positive predictor of Muslims’ support for government action to help Christian minority. Relative Muslim prototypicality vis-à-vis Christians depressed perspective-taking. Contrariwise, inclusive victimhood reflecting a perception that Muslims are equally afflicted relative to Christians in intergroup conflicts, involving both groups, promoted perspective-taking. Relative Muslim prototypicality was augmented by the extent to which this majority group glorified Islam and was motivated to protect Islamic power. However, inclusive victimhood instead attenuated relative Muslim prototypicality. These findings suggest the importance of enhancing inclusive victimhood, given its impact in promoting perspective-taking which is beneficial to the majority’s support for minority helping.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Minority helping, perspective-taking, relative Muslim prototypicality, inclusive victimhood, Islamic glorification
Subjects: 100 PHILOSOPHY AND PSYCHOLOGY (FILSAFAT DAN PSIKOLOGI) > 150 Psychology (Psikologi/Ilmu Jiwa) > 158.3 Counseling and Interviewing/Psikologi Konseling, Penyuluhan, Pemberian Nasehat dan Wawancara
Divisions: Fakultas Ushuluddin Adab dan Dakwah > Jurusan Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam
Depositing User: Junaeti Aqin
Date Deposited: 28 Jul 2020 06:33
Last Modified: 28 Jul 2020 06:33
URI: http://repository.uingusdur.ac.id/id/eprint/336

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