From Functional Into Positional Desire (The Transforming of Ethical Consumer Decision on Religiosity Perspective)

Susminingsih, Susminingsih (2014) From Functional Into Positional Desire (The Transforming of Ethical Consumer Decision on Religiosity Perspective). [Research]

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FROM FUNCTIONAL INTO POSITIONAL DESIRE The Transforming of Ethical Consumer Decision - LAPORAN PENELITIAN 2014.pdf

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This research will try to understand what actually happen from someone before he or she makes the decision to consume. Sensory stimulation in modern condition is dominated especially by the visual often related to this case. The cultural dimension was already a subject interacting with the “outside” in term of epresentations. So, it related with spend a lot of money, that in Islam is prohibited and it call israf , a bad behavior, tabdzir, but also make class structuring of society. The object of this research is for sense of academic necessity. We need an integrative analyze which combine many factors that influence one’s decision. It’s very significant to know that consumption not only about economy perspective, but also religiosity and culture perspective. For sense of practical necessity, this research can be such moral orientation for someone to make more a good decision of consumption. This research design is a qualitative, and will be doing by literature analyzes. Qualitative analysis will be doing by the sircular type between the view of religion and the norm, the culture, the self concept and self identity, and the norm of consumption in religiosity perspective. The research found that: first, among the people, the concept of consumption have sifting or transforming from utility function into value function. Second, many of them consumption in order to imitate the outer signs of those superior. Imitation begins with the internalization of inner characteristics, those spiritual and mental nature. In other words, ‘imitation of ideas precedes the imitation of their expression’ and ‘imitation of ends precedes the imitation of means’. Third, in many cases, someone would like to consumption not based on the equality between goals and plans but on the maximum satisfaction. Not on are the object actually give an utility or function to helps one’s need, but to gain the position between social interaction, so its easily for us to look ourselves or around we stay, the people will buy something, again, again and again without they do not know, are they actually need or just wants to buy.

Item Type: Research
Uncontrolled Keywords: Consumer Decision, Religiosity
Subjects: 600 TECHNOLOGY AND APPLIED SCIENCES (TEKNOLOGI DAN ILMU TERAPAN) > 650 Management and Auxiliary Service (Manajemen dan Ilmu yang Berkaitan) > 658.8342 Consumer Behavior/Perilaku Konsumen
Divisions: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam > Jurusan Ekonomi Syariah
Depositing User: Junaeti Aqin
Date Deposited: 30 Oct 2020 12:04
Last Modified: 30 Oct 2020 12:04

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