Popular Sufism In Contemporary Indonesia ( Survey on Mainstream of Spiritual Activities in Pekalongan and Jakarta)

Kanafi, Imam and Susminingsih, Susminingsih and Fadal, Kurdi (2015) Popular Sufism In Contemporary Indonesia ( Survey on Mainstream of Spiritual Activities in Pekalongan and Jakarta). [Research]

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In Indonesia to day, has been growing the sufi practices and promote it as preferable to tariqa-based sufism. Substantial numbers of people in Muslim societies are in fact eager to engage with sufism in this way, particularly in urban areas. Movement of popular sufism in Indonesia in recent decades, more and showed an increase both quality and quantity. Many group of dzikir (remembering Allah) founded in moslem comminities over the cities. Those program also founded in some televesion menu, and have good respont from the audiens. Several official program from Goverment in local level until nasional, the sufistic colour of the program shown very dominant. This is what called by Martin Van Bruinessen and Julia Day Howell as urban sufism, or cosmopolitan sufism, social sufism, positive sufism and actual sufism. Populars sufism phenomena can be found ranging from government officials, until the bottom of society who all have an impact on cultural practices in general. Study of the practices and activites of sufism in contemporary Indonesia is what draw us to be appointed in this research. This research finding as an conclusions are: (1) There are several factors that influence the process of popular culture in the field of Sufism in Indonesia this contemporary era. Internal factors include the figure of leaders of Sufism, the nature of Sufism, congregation or community awareness of the need of coolness and inner peace. The external factors include: consumer culture and materialistic destructive, media evolving technologies, number crime cases (2) Several forms of popular culture of contemporary Indonesian Sufism are: seminars, training, coursesbook publishing, and journals buliten, a study in the online media and television, mawlid celebrations, recitals akbar, regular recitals, book review, the nationalist movement, the environmental movement, art of dance and song. While the media used, among others: the majlis taklim, mosques, colleges, books, magazines, newspapers, television, the internet and social media and civil society organizations. (3) There are 6 figures were sampled in this study, 3 of Jakarta and 3 of Pekalongan. The figures from Jakarta City are Prof Nasaruddin Umar, as a representation of academic Sufi, using agencies Ministry of Religion, University of Islam, State Mosqua of Istiqlal and TV. KH Wahfiuddin Sakam, as Sufi corporate representation, using institutions of Thariqah Qadiriyah Naqsyabandiyah (TQN), Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI), Nahdlatul Ulama and Jamiyah Ahlith Thariqah Muktabarah al-Nahdhiyyah and State Owned Enterprises as well as a variety of companies. KH Lukman Hakim, as a post-traditionalist Sufi figures, which uses media company, mosques and taklim and youtube channel. While from Pekalongan City they are KH Habib Muhammad Lutfi bin Ali bin Yahya, as the Sufis nationality, with institutions Jamiyah Ahlith Thariqah Muktabarah al-Nahdhiyyah, foundations kanzus shalawat, forum taklim, the Indonesian Armed Forces, National Police, mosques and cultural forums and telivisi Aswaja. (b) KH.Muhammad Taufiq, a traditional Sufi figures, which uses the boarding school institutions and (c) KH Habib Muhammad bin Syahab as multicultural Sufi figures, which uses social institutions and groups of musical art.

Item Type: Research
Uncontrolled Keywords: Tasawuf, Sufism
Subjects: 200 RELIGION (AGAMA) > 2X0 ISLAM UMUM > 2X5.2 Tasawuf
Divisions: Fakultas Ushuluddin Adab dan Dakwah > Jurusan Akhlak Tasawuf
Depositing User: Junaeti Aqin
Date Deposited: 30 Oct 2020 16:10
Last Modified: 30 Oct 2020 16:13
URI: http://repository.uingusdur.ac.id/id/eprint/372

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