The Role Of Spiritual Intuition In Hospitality Industry (Integrating Intuitive Skills in The Organization’s Strategic Planning Process)

Susminingsih, Susminingsih (2015) The Role Of Spiritual Intuition In Hospitality Industry (Integrating Intuitive Skills in The Organization’s Strategic Planning Process). [Research]

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The notion of moral conception on one’s behavior relates on spirituality. This research addressed the spirituality in industrial as organizational context. It means spirituality in the workplace too. What is so special about intuitive talent? Extensive research on brain skills indicates that those who score as highly intuitive on such test instruments as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator tend to be the most innovative in strategic planning and decision making. They tend to be more insightful and better at finding new ways of doing things. To achieve higher productivity in the strategic planning and decision making process, clearly what is needed is an organizational climate in which intuitive brain skills and stylish can flourish and be integrated with more-traditional management techniques. The organization’s leadership must have a special sensitivity to the value of intuitive input in strategic decision making and understand how to create an environment in which the use of intuition will grow, integrating it into the organization’s strategic planning process. This research design is a qualitative with religious research paradigm This research has two data source, first, primary data source, that is the literature which serves the concept of intuition, industry and management decision making in Islamic perspective, from the journal and other document which mention about the concept directly. Second, data source, that is the document or journal which mention about the concept we need indirectly. This research need the reading techniques to collecting the data. Qualitative analysis will be doing by the circular type between the spiritual intuition, hospitality industry and strategic decision making. After we have the description about all concept, their relation to manager’s decision, we need to analyze by Islamic perspective, because our concern was happened in human feeling and thinking, before they application into their behaving. The circular model will be arising comparison between the data to identify, to develop and to connect the concepts into research object. Many decision-makers work by impression and intuition. Moments of enlightenment cause thought to come together so that decision can be made. A problem is that people can be wrong. A simple decision making model shows the flow of data from start to finish. The hospitality industry has always found it hard to attract suitably motivated, trained and qualified employees that are able to deliver the service promises that organizations make to their current and potential customers. The activities of interviewing, hiring, orienting and successfully integrating new employees and developing and keeping current workers and attracting highly skilled workers to work for an organization is key to the success of the hospitality and tourism industry.

Item Type: Research
Uncontrolled Keywords: spiritual, Hospitality, Industri
Subjects: 200 RELIGION (AGAMA) > 2X0 ISLAM UMUM > 2X6.3 Ekonomi Islam, Sistem Ekonomi Islam
Divisions: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam > Jurusan Ekonomi Syariah
Depositing User: Junaeti Aqin
Date Deposited: 31 Oct 2020 03:50
Last Modified: 31 Oct 2020 03:50

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